Cyber Crime

This includes the methods by which CISA, in both its National Coordinator and SRMA roles, and other SRMAs, communicate with critical infrastructure stakeholders to ensure that appropriate parties are included in distribution lists or other communication channels. Once CISA has provided documentation of these actions, we plan to verify whether implementation has occurred. Once the agency has provided documentation of its actions, we plan to verify whether implementation has occurred. The Federal Government contracts with IT and OT service providers to conduct an array of day-to-day functions on Federal Information Systems. These service providers, including cloud service providers, have unique access to and insight into cyber threat and incident information on Federal Information Systems. Removing these contractual barriers and increasing the sharing of information about such threats, incidents, and risks are necessary steps to accelerating incident deterrence, prevention, and response efforts and to enabling more effective defense of agencies’ systems and of information collected, processed, and maintained by or for the Federal Government.

This agenda item addresses areas of CISA's operations that include critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities and priorities for CISA. Government officials will share sensitive information with CSAC members on initiatives and future security requirements for assessing cyber risks to critical infrastructure. ET to participate in an operational discussion that will address areas of critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities and priorities for CISA. Of 10 selected key practices for effective agency reforms previously identified by GAO, CISA’s organizational transformation generally addressed four, partially addressed five, and did not address one. For example, CISA generally addressed practices related to using data and evidence to support its planned reforms and engaging its employees in the organizational change process. The agency partially addressed practices related to, for example, defining goals and outcomes and conducting workforce planning.

Identifying protection procedures to manage the protection of an agency’s information, data, and information technology resources. Using a standard risk assessment methodology that includes the identification of an agency’s priorities, constraints, risk tolerances, and assumptions necessary to support operational risk decisions. Establishing asset management procedures to ensure that an agency’s information technology resources are identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to the agency’s business objectives. DeRusha said there’s a role in the “ecosystem” for his office, CISA, and the new White House national cyber director.

We are committed to ensuring you have the tools, resources, and support you need to continue doing so successfully. This sprint is dedicated to the Department’s international cybersecurity activities ranging from those outlined in CISA’s first international “CISA Global” strategy to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Strategic Outlook to protect Agency Cybersecurity and operate in cyberspace, an inherently international effort. Most of the cybercrime investigations that the Secret Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Homeland Security Investigations pursue every day also include a transnational dimension that requires cooperation with law enforcement partners around the globe.

Agencies are already under mandate from a May 2021 executive order to adhere to the framework, though a forthcoming policy order could give additional guidance and force to that requirement. While discussing future priorities for federal cybersecurity during a Nextgov event Thursday, Steven Hernandez, chief information security officer for the Education Department and chair of the Federal CISO Council, said a new mandate on software supply chain is forthcoming. The Office of Management and Budget is preparing to release new requirements around software supply chain and cybersecurity, according to a top federal cybersecurity official. Such requirements may provide for exceptions in circumstances necessitated by unique mission needs. Until such time as that NSM is issued, programs, standards, or requirements established pursuant to this order shall not apply with respect to National Security Systems. To ensure a common understanding of cyber incidents and the cybersecurity status of an agency, the playbook shall define key terms and use such terms consistently with any statutory definitions of those terms, to the extent practicable, thereby providing a shared lexicon among agencies using the playbook.


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